Recommendation: Awful Archaeology

I hope that my acquaintances and readership, such as it is, on this blog are aware of the fact that there’s a whole heap of pseudoscience and conspiracy in the world that creeps into pagan spaces. I would hope also that we’re all relatively inclined toward avoiding spreading around bullshit.

In that vein, I’d like to direct you toward this YouTube channel from a bright young man with far more energy than I for such things. In his “Awful Archaeology” series, Milo spends a lot of time unpacking the evidence and science that exists around various New Age theories and teaching about historic sites with a little snark and much enthusiasm. When called for, such as during interviews he hosts with academics in the field, he can be quite professional as well. Famous topics on which he gives good insight: the Dendera “lightbulb” image, the Bagdhad “battery”, Goebekli Tepe’s unknown use, and, of course, he is currently working on a series to unpack the claims made in Graham Hancock’s “Ancient Apocolypse” Netflix series.